Why can’t I get over it?

Sometimes you feel fine. Then suddenly, something happens, triggering that memory. The cause can be a little thing, or maybe, you don’t know what triggered it.

But there you are, shutting down, feeling like you are right back there. You sweat, get shaky, and feel you are not present in the room.

You experience a flashback, again. Or you get nightmares, see the scene, smell the smells, and hear the sounds.

Why can’t I let the memory go?

Traumatic memory is not like other memories.

When our life is in danger or our mind believes we are in danger, our brains do not know how to store the information.

Our memory center in the brain goes off-line to save our life.

So, like broken glass, the memory of traumatic events scatters all around our brain, even our body.

Even the smallest thing results in triggering the traumatic scene.

EMDR helps redirect responses to triggers.

EMDR may seem strange, but it is evidence-based. And after using it as a client and having such excellent results, I received training and offer it to my clients.

While using EMDR, you let your brain reprogram itself. As you go through the process, your brain knows how to rewire the trauma and turn it into another memory, stored like other memories.

You won’t be plagued anymore by nightmares, cold sweats, or the brutal, intense fear.

Control is Yours!

Learning the EMDR process is like regular talk therapy.

But the weird part comes in during the reprocessing. That’s when your brain does its thing.

You are always aware, while letting your brain reprocess the memory without “trying” – you follow my instructions.

Will EMDR work for you?

EMDR works when you are ready to let it work.

Letting EMDR work requires the willingness to go from a calm place in your mind to an activated, distressed place and back.

I will show you how to accomplish the reprocessing. And we will only use it when you are fully ready.

If you have questions, especially about your situation, please contact me.

I offer a free 20-minute phone consultation, and I will let you know if I believe I can help.